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Help us driving infrastructure for

rebuilding India

Requesting support for our teams to organize country-wide public awareness programs for the faster implementation of water & energy mega projects -

benefiting 80 crore people in India

Coming soon....

Donate Section

Projects for Rajasthan and other states in India

1.) Sarda-Yamuna-Rajasthan-Sabarmati Link

2.) Eastern Canal River Project

3.) Rainwater-harvesting projects

4.) District-level Fast Breeder Reactors

5.) Canal-top-solar power plants

6.) Biogas-Dairy-Fodder farm projects

All these projects are facing 5 challenges in India. We aim to mitigate these 5 challenges through our unique strategy.


5 Challenges these projects are facing today :


- 84 competing groups in this world’s largest democracy

- The issue of Compensation Money

- Democratic rights to unaware masses

- Related Business lobbies

- Moral Hazard due to information asymmetry in the Governments.


The root cause of these 5 challenges is the lack of awareness in the general public about the ready water & energy projects for India. 


We have already worked in Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh with a successful inauguration at 15000 MW Nuclear Power Plant sites. We have also worked for some mega water-transfer links in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Till now we have organized :


  1. 15+ Mahotsavs

  2. 29+ Press Conferences

  3. 4000+ meetings

  4. 2500+ Seminars

  5. 21+ Rallies

  6. 21+ Exhibitions

  7. 5000+ Choupal Baithaks. Find more at : 


Now Rajasthan, Gujarat and other states of India need faster implementation of it’s ready water & energy projects which is only possible with your kind and generous support to this mission.

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