Rajasthan | Parbati -Kalisindh- Chambal link
Design and Features of Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project.
The National Water Policy of Government of India provides that water should be made available to water short areas by transfer from other areas including transfers from one river basin to another, based on a national perspective, after taking into account the requirements of the areas/basins. Accordingly, long distance inter-basin transfer of water from water surplus basins to water deficit basins has been mooted in our country in order to reduce the regional imbalances in the availability of water. A National Perspective Plan (NPP) was formulated in the year 1980 by the Union Ministry of Irrigation (now Ministry of Water Resources) and the Central Water Commission identifying a number of inter-basin water transfer links in respect of both Peninsular rivers and Himalayan rivers of the country. The Peninsular Rivers Development and the Himalayan Rivers Development Components put together were expected to create an additional irrigation potential of 35 million hectares besides hydropower potential and other benefits. As per the design, the Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal project will provide irrigation facilities to 0.155 lakh hectares in Madhya Pradesh in areas like Machalpur, Jirapur, Susner and Garoth and 0.016 lakh hectare in Rajasthan in areas like Pidawa and Piplada. It is also expected to generate additional irrigation potential for the Chambal catchment areas of Bhind, Morena and Gwalior, apart from generating 70 MW of power and drinking water for a population of 4.30 lakh. \n The interlinking of Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal Rivers is one of the projects under the Peninsular Rivers Development Component of the NPP. This report deals with feasibility study of Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project. The objective of preparation of the feasibility report is mainly to facilitate firming up of the proposals and for discussions among the concerned States to arrive at broad agreements on the quantum of diversions and utilisations of water, sharing of cost and benefits etc. This report has been prepared keeping in view the various comments offered by concerned State Govts. / Departments on prefeasibility study of the Kalisindh-Chambal link project. The preliminary feasibility report (PFR) of Kalisindh-Chambal link canal project was prepared and circulated amongst the members of TAC and to the concerned State Govts. in September 1991. The Govt. of Madhya Pradesh in their comments on the prefeasibility report of Kalisindh-Chambal link pointed out that the link proposal was not economically viable on account of its low Benefit-Cost Ratio and Internal Rate of Return. Keeping in view the comments of State Govt., further studies have been done by NWDA to accrue more benefits by increasing the quantum of water for diversion by off-taking the link canal from Parbati River at Patanpur dam instead of Mohanpura dam on river Newaj. Therefore, the proposal has now been modified and renamed as Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project. Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project envisages the diversion of surplus waters of Parbati and Kalisindh sub-basins to Gandhisagar dam /Rana Pratap Sagar dam across Chambal river. The water will be utilized for irrigation in the new command areas enroute the link canal & the existing command of Chambal system at Kota barrage. A population of 27,055 people in 65 villages is likely to be affected by implementation of this link.
Project Numbers
20000 ha
land will get perennial source of irrigation
4.3 lakh
people will get fresh drinking water
70 MW
of power added to the grid
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